Practical Tips for Law Students by CJI Chandrachud

Practical Tips for Law Students by CJI Chandrachud

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Chief Justice of India (CJI) D.Y. Chandrachud, in an honest and motivating speech, shared many practical tips for law students and young lawyers last year. He drew from his own early experiences to offer helpful advice for those starting their careers in law. His speech emphasised the importance of being humble, always learning, and the key role of mentorship and courtroom skills in building a strong legal career.

In this blog, we’ll look at the practical tips for law students that CJI Chandrachud shared, giving valuable guidance for anyone aiming for success in the legal field.

1. Start Humble, Stay Curious

One of the key lessons from CJI Chandrachud’s speech is the importance of humility. Even with an impressive academic background, including an LLM and a PhD from Harvard, CJI Chandrachud admitted that he still felt unprepared when he began practising law. This shows that formal education alone cannot fully prepare a young lawyer for the real-life challenges of legal practice.

He shared a personal story about being paid only six guineas (less than 100 rupees) for his first case. This modest start was, for him, a vital learning experience. For law students, this highlights the value of starting small and making the most of every chance to grow. Mentorship in law and real learning happen in the courtroom, where theoretical knowledge meets practical experience.

Key takeaway: Stay humble and curious. Don’t fear starting small—each case offers a chance to learn and develop integrity in the legal profession.

2. The Importance of Mentorship

CJI Chandrachud spoke about how important mentorship was throughout his career. As a young lawyer, he learned a lot by watching and working with great lawyers like Fali Nariman and Soli Sorabjee. These experiences helped shape his understanding of the law and how to manage cases in court.

For law students, having a mentor is incredibly valuable. Mentorship helps young lawyers learn the details of legal practice that cannot be found in textbooks. Chief Justice Chandrachud shared that his early experiences with senior lawyers taught him more than just legal knowledge. He also learned how to behave in the courtroom, such as knowing when to speak, when to stay quiet, and how to present his arguments properly.

Key takeaway: One of the most practical tips for law students is to seek mentorship and learn from experienced professionals. Watching how skilled lawyers handle difficult cases can teach you things that formal education cannot.

3. Focus on the Judges’ Cues

One of the courtroom skills is to listen to the judges

CJI Chandrachud shared an important piece of advice he got early in his career from Fali Nariman: “When judges speak, always be silent and listen.” This simple yet powerful lesson is something every law student and young lawyer should remember. Listening to what judges say during a case can give valuable clues about how the case is going and what the judges are expecting from the arguments.

In the courtroom, a lawyer’s role isn’t just to present facts. They must also understand the mood of the court. Judges often drop hints through their questions and comments, helping lawyers decide how to adjust their arguments. The Chief Justice of India stressed that good lawyers are those who can pick up on these signals and change their approach if needed.

Key takeaway: One of the key courtroom skills is to carefully listen to what the judges say. It can give you important insights into how your case is progressing.

4. Learn from Every Experience

Even small cases can teach important lessons. CJI Chandrachud shared a story about his first big case, a land acquisition matter, which he knew nothing about. Despite this, he spent the night studying and was able to present his arguments well. This case was reported and led to many more opportunities for him.

For law students, the message is clear: no case is too small. Every case helps you build your legal skills and gain experience. Even when things seem tough, hard work and preparation can make a big difference.

Key takeaway: Treat every case as a chance to learn and improve. Preparation and dedication are crucial for success, even in areas you are unfamiliar with. This demonstrates integrity in the legal profession.

5. The Role of Collaboration Between the Bar and the Bench

CJI Chandrachud highlighted that the legal profession works through collaboration between lawyers and judges. Both sides learn from each other, creating a beneficial relationship. He advised young lawyers to not only concentrate on their own cases but to think more broadly, understanding the bigger picture of how legal decisions are made.

For law students, this is an important lesson. Success in law isn’t just about being smart—it’s also about understanding how the whole legal system works. By working with peers and seniors, and learning from the judges, young lawyers can gain a deeper and more complete understanding of the law.

Key takeaway: One of the practical tips for law students is to collaborate and seek mentorship in law. Working with others and learning from judges helps develop a well-rounded understanding of the legal profession.

6. Build Integrity and Humility in the Profession

CJI Chandrachud stressed the importance of integrity in the legal profession. He shared a story about a case where, despite knowing that the judges were not in his favour, he stood by his arguments. His honesty and commitment to his case eventually brought him success.

For law students, this is a strong reminder that integrity in the legal profession should always be a priority. No matter how difficult a case becomes, staying true to justice and fairness is essential.

Key takeaway: In every situation, maintain integrity in your legal practice. Strong courtroom skills and honesty will help you succeed, even when the odds seem against you.

Conclusion: Practical Tips for Law Students

Chief Justice of India Chandrachud’s practical tips for law students provide valuable advice for those beginning their legal journey. He highlighted the importance of humility, mentorship in law, collaboration, and integrity in the legal profession as essential elements for success.

As a law student, always see every case as a chance to learn, every senior as a potential mentor, and every courtroom as a place to develop your courtroom skills. By following these practical tips for law students, you can build a rewarding and successful career in law, just as CJI Chandrachud advised.

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