legal writing

7 Cs of Powerful Legal Writing Skills You Should Master

Table of Contents

As BA LLB students, you need to understand that legal writing skills are going to be the bedrock of a successful legal career. Law students learn to employ legal writing for different purposes – from drafting contracts and legal briefs to composing emails and letters to clients and opposing counsel. 

The legal system relies heavily on precise communication. Well-presented arguments that present complex concepts in easy words have higher chances of winning the case. In this guide for our law students, we will discuss the 7 Cs of legal writing that you must practise:

All good communication has seven qualities, often called the Seven C’s of Communication: correct, clear, complete, concrete, concise, considerate, and courteous.

These are discussed below. While reading about them, remember that practice is the key to teaching these qualities. The more you practise writing with the 7 C’s in mind, the better you will get at it.

#1 C stands for ‘Correct’

Legal writing needs to be correct

The first thing law students need to learn is that legal writing must always be 100% accurate. You have to be correct and reliable in the field of law. Whether you are writing:

  • a case brief, 
  • a legal opinion, 
  • a moot court memorial, or 
  • a research paper

BA LLB students must verify their statements carefully before finally presenting them to their professors. In some cases, where it becomes impossible to confirm your statements, be sure to make it clear that you have assumed certain facts and are not sure bout how valid they are.

This transparency allows you to correct them in the future and would not cast doubt on the reliability of your statements.

#2 C stands for ‘Clear’

In legal writing, conveying what you have to say precisely and clearly is very important. You need to use simple words and straightforward language. Many times, BA LLB students think that using complex terminology makes them seem more intelligent.

The truth is that when we say ‘be simple’, it doesn’t mean that you have to be simplistic. You should explain the nuances of an idea thoroughly. We often recommend our law students to:

  • Use active voice, where you start the sentence with the main idea,
  • Use bullets and numbered lists wherever possible, and
  • Use short and quick sentences (instead of using a long and complex sentence structure).

#3 C stands for ‘Complete’

Completeness is one of the important legal writing skills

One of the top legal writing skills is to ensure that you cover everything that’s required in your arguments. Your audience should understand the facts that you state fully. Whether you are participating in a moot court competition or giving a legal opinion, law students will do well to create a checklist of things that need to be proved or checked.

And when you start writing, make sure you have met all the requirements and covered all the points.

#4 C stands for ‘Concrete’

Legal arguments have to be correct, clear, and complete – and they also need to be concrete. You need to support them with relevant evidence, statutes, judgements, scholarly articles, international conventions, or facts and statistics from authoritative sources.

You must cite your sources in the proper format too.

And to make concrete arguments, law students will need good research skills. In law, it’s important to support each point you make with valid and relevant authorities.

#5 C stands for ‘Concise’

Good lawyers keep their arguments concise and brief

A good lawyer knows how to keep his/her arguments brief without compromising on their completeness, concreteness, or clarity. You can reduce the number of words by using these tips:

  1. Use abbreviations: Create a table of abbreviations for the most common words used in your legal writing. This can reduce the number of words in your text considerably and make it more readable. But make sure not to overdo it. A sentence full of abbreviations may confuse the reader.
  2. Use one word for many as often as possible: Remember, how we used to do vocabulary exercises as children where we had to write one word for many! It is one of the good legal writing skills to master. Can you express something in two words? Don’t use five words then.
  3. Cut out ‘filler’ words: What can you remove without compromising the important information? Remove it.

#6 C stands for ‘Considerate’

Many BA LLB students think that legal writing is formal, dull, and mundane. It does not have to be. You must always choose your words according to your target audience.

If you are going to address accomplished lawyers or law professors, you can use legal terms freely and help them connect with your ideas. But if you are going to address the general public, throwing around legal terms can be counterproductive. They may not understand you and you may lose them midway.

As a law student in India, you must also remember where your audience is from. If you are addressing people who do not understand English, you might want to address them in Hindi or use simple language.

Your main focus should be conveying your thoughts and ideas to your audience successfully and be accessible to them as far as possible.

#7 C stands for ‘Courteous’

Law students must always be respectful while presenting their case

As law students, you must always be polite in your writing as well as while addressing your audience orally. Express your opinions and beliefs respectfully and avoid offensive language.

Why do law students need to hone their legal writing skills?

Strong legal writing is much more than using formal language and being grammatically correct. You need to present your argument persuasively, communicate clearly, and protect your client’s interests. Here are some of the reasons why law students need to hone their legal writing skills:

  • Build a Strong Reputation Online:  In today’s digital world, your writing reflects on you professionally. Strong legal writing showcases your competence and makes a lasting impression.
  • Precision Protects Your Clients:  Legal documents have high stakes. A single mistake can cost your client dearly. Meticulous writing ensures clear communication and protects their interests.
  • Sharpen Your Legal Mind:  Crafting clear legal arguments strengthens your logical reasoning, making you a more persuasive advocate. This skill is essential for success in law.
  • The Reward of Excellence:  Strong legal writing is a badge of honour. It positions you as a valuable asset and brings the satisfaction of a job well done.
  • Efficiency Boost: Clear legal writing creates well-organised documents, saving time and avoiding confusion for everyone involved. Judges appreciate it, streamlining the legal process.
  • Think Like a Pro: Legal writing hones your legal thinking. You learn to identify issues, analyse complexities, and present arguments persuasively – all crucial skills for a good lawyer.
  • Adaptability Advantage: Strong legal writing skills equip you for the ever-changing legal landscape. You’ll be able to research effectively, analyse information critically, and communicate clearly in any legal situation.

How can BA LLB students at SMS Varanasi hone their legal writing skills?

SMS Varanasi offers several resources to help its law students develop strong legal writing skills:

1. Literary Club: While the Literary Club focuses on creativity and general literature, it can indirectly improve legal writing by:

  • Enhancing Grammar and Vocabulary: Writing exercises and discussions can strengthen your foundational writing skills.
  • Developing Clarity and Concision: Expressing ideas clearly and concisely is crucial for both creative and legal writing.
  • Improving Argumentation Skills: Group discussions can hone your ability to present your ideas persuasively.

2. Legal Aid Society (LAS): LAS activities provide practical experience in legal writing:

  • Drafting Legal Documents: Volunteering for the LAS may involve drafting petitions, legal notices, or other documents.
  • Research and Writing: Researching legal issues and writing reports can improve your legal writing skills.
  • Client Communication: Even if not directly writing for clients, understanding their needs helps tailor legal communication effectively.

3. Moot Court Society (MCS): Moot Court participation offers excellent opportunities to master legal writing, such as:

  • Memorandum Writing: Researching and writing legal arguments for mock trials hones your legal reasoning and writing skills.
  • Refine Style and Structure: MCS workshops and competitions help refine legal writing style and structure for persuasive arguments.

You can also:

  • Read Legal Materials: Regularly reading legal judgments, articles, and case studies can expose you to the style and structure of effective legal writing.
  • Practice Writing: Take every opportunity to write legally related content, even for assignments or research papers.
  • Seek Feedback: Get feedback on your writing from professors, peers, or writing tutors to identify areas for improvement.

By actively participating in these resources and taking the initiative to practise writing, we are sure that our BA LLB students will be able to master legal writing skills in no time and become a successful lawyer one day.

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